Gosh, my life sometimes isn’t all that interesting. My birthday was last weekend and I had quite a great day! You can read all about it in this post by clicking here!
Our noisy neighbours next door moved out and I’ve quite enjoyed not having to hear their thumping music played too loud, and their constant going in and out their front door over and over and OVER again. I’d go into more detail on their behaviors but I’d rather not concentrate on the negatives. :)
Hmmm… I’m not sure what else to say in regards to my life this past week since a lot of it revolved around the blog… so let’s just move on to that.
I’ve really been trying to come up with as many ideas as I can for tutorials and other posts I can add to really grow my blog. A goal of mine for the year is to really see my blog gain a lot more traffic and not just my YouTube channel. I’ve come up with some really great tutorial ideas for spring so hopefully I can put many of those into action and they’ll work out. I’ve already begun some regular posting on the blog (one being this series) but I’d really like to be doing more Art Series posts (the goal was to have those weekly as well) but that’s been hard. Any suggestions for random posts you’d like to see? I’ve got a few on deck for days when things aren’t quite working out (technical difficulties, for example) or I just can’t think of any good topics. Those tend to lean towards the more personal side since I’ll just write about whatever’s on my mind when the mood strikes. These are the posts I did this week:
I’d like to see this up by about one or two each week and I feel I’m heading in the right direction to set myself up for that.
I didn’t get any videos done this week. I had one I started working on at the beginning of the week with intentions of posting it by Friday, but as I was getting things ready for it I realized I need to wait a little longer to be able to do it since I will need some outdoor flowers and the garden centers are not open quite yet. Soon though. I came up with another idea for a video so I’ll be getting that one done for this week. I like to try and have a video each week, but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. But look out for a new one this week! :)
At the beginning of the week I was a little bummed by my lack of new likes on my facebook page, but then Thursday/Friday things picked up again so that made me feel much better! I’m at 334 likes now. If you know of anyone who might like my blog make sure you direct them over to my facebook page by sharing the link or sending them a page suggestion directly through facebook! Friends don’t want friends missing out on great things! ;) So share!!
Over on Instagram I gained a few new followers so that’s nice! I need to try and get better at snapping more to share over there! It would help if my phone had a better camera, but my phone is old in terms of technology – an iphone 4…not even 4s, just 4. I just like its size so much and upgrading will mean something at least little bigger. Anyway, I’m working on my instagramming and hopefully nicer weather will mean more photo ops!
Things are consistently going pretty well over on YouTube. My most popular video has gained another 5,500 views over the past week and a half – Blooming Flower Mirror. And I’m up another 150 subscribers in the same amount of time. My best week ever was back at the beginning of January with 130 subscribers in 1 week. The holidays are a big time of year on YouTube and I put out quite a few videos. I’m hoping to see things pick up nicely over on my channel with these spring videos I have planned!
I’m almost finished the blog site I’ve been working on for my hair stylist. Just waiting on some photos she had taken to showcase her work. I really can’t wait until this is all ready for her. I think it’s really looking great and once it’s finished it’ll be stunning! Again, like I said last time, I’ll direct you guys to her blog once it’s up and running. I’m sure she’ll have some great things to share with you! I’ll reveal more about her and her blog once it’s ready to go. I may possibly be designing some more blogs in the future too, but nothing real planned as of yet. Just a few whispers of possibilities at this point.
Well, sadly, still not a lot to show in this area. I did get to play with the oil paints I got for my birthday. If you’ve read My Birthday- Age, Adventures, And CAKE from this last week, then you already know all about that and already saw this small test painting I did. I'm calling it "Happy Fruit".
I was just trying to get into using my oils. I’ve worked with so many other mediums but not oils so I am so happy to have finally gotten into it. Here I just wanted to start with something simple so I set up a still life of a few fruit. I was trying to practice loosening up here for a more painterly look with more brush stroke, but I think I kind of missed the mark on that one. This is so hard for me - detail and realism have been my thing, my obsession for so long. I’ll get there, but I’m still pretty proud of these little fruit! :)
Well, that was my week, folks! How was your week and long weekend?
Sam ♡
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