
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Art Series - Post #10 - "Eye" Sketch in Graphite

Hey there!

I've got another Art Series Post for you all today! It's just a quick little sketch I did in graphite of a close-up of an eye but I love sharing my art with you all.
You may have seen this on facebook if you've liked The Creative Glow over there, but I'd asked if anyone was interested in seeing the time-lapse, so I'm sharing that here today! I haven't got a whole bunch to say about it, just that it was just a quick sketch brought on by my fascination with the beauty and randomness of the human eye.

Alright, that's my sketch, guys! Nothing to involved or too crazy, but kinda neat! If you're having trouble viewing from the embedded video, here is the link that will take you directly there:, I hope you've enjoyed Art Series Post #10. More to come, of course! :)

Stay Creative,

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Make Your Eyes "Pop" - Basic Eye Shadow Color Theory!

Yo! :) 

So, today I’ve got a nice post for ya! I’m going to be talking about the basics of color theory and how it relates to choosing the best eye shadow colors for your eye color to make them really pop and stand out. I will cover a bit about eye liners as well (look for this toward the end of the post), but, primarily, this will be about eye shadow.
Now, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you can only wear the colors of eye shadows I suggest here, or that other colors won’t look nice on you, this is just a guide, a very basic one, to what colors should, according to color theory, make your eyes pop the most. So, if you have some favorites, don’t dismiss them just because they don’t fit in this guide. The most important thing is that you feel good in them! ;) Alright, now let’s get started!

First, I am going to introduce you to the color wheel. I know some, maybe even many, of you have already seen or worked with a color wheel. A color wheel is a color wheel no matter if you’re talking about painting a canvas or painting your face (aka putting on makeup) and the same goes for color theory; it is basically the same no matter the application. The color wheel is used to explain the theory of colors and their relationships to one another. Here is a color wheel (click to enlarge):

I’m sure you’ve all heard of primary (red, blue, yellow) and secondary colors (orange, green, purple) from as far back as elementary school…some of us may have thrown out that knowledge in favor of other important information to store in our memories, but I’m sure you’ve all hear of them at some point. ;) We won’t be worrying about those in this guide, but I’m just mentioning those because that would have been the beginning of your color theory education. What we will be focusing on are complementary colors, which are the colors that appear opposite one another on the color wheel – these colors, as the name suggests, complement each one another when placed adjacently. Some of you may even have an understanding of these already. If so, great, you already know what eye shadows will complement your eyes best, you just may not…know.. it! You know it, but you don’t know you know it…got it? If not, don’t worry, just take a look at your trusty color wheel and you’ll find them. So, red compliments green, yellow compliments purple, orange compliments blue, and so on. And this is how you’ll choose eye shadows that will make your eyes pop the most! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Changes Are a Comin' & New Year Resolutions!

Hi Everyone,

Well, I am back with my first post of the New Year. I had a great Christmas and New Year and it was nice to take some time off to enjoy them. I’ve been busy working out some new ideas for the blog as well as some new video ideas and you might start to notice some changes in the appearance of the blog soon – I’m working on a new and improved look!

Besides a new look for the blog and brainstorming post ideas, I’ve also got some new projects on the horizon for this year. A couple of websites (one blog site and one business site), still working on stuff for the comic book project (more on this in this post), a “guest book” style painting for my friend’s wedding (I’m a bridesmaid :D), and then a bunch of art (painting and drawing) projects of my own (when I can find time)! Lots to do! 

So, I guess now I want to talk to you about New Year’s Resolutions for 2015. And I encourage any one of you to weigh in and comment with your resolutions. I love to hear about what peoples’ hopes for the New Year are and how they feel they can and want to better themselves! I know, I know! A lot of us abandon our resolutions before January even comes to and end but that doesn’t mean that we can’t pick them back up throughout the year. Try, try again, right? :) Here’s my list of resolutions:

My New Year Resolutions
    1.) Make more time for Art (this is on my list many years, sadly)
    2.) Make more time to work on comic book project (it’s been a year since I was asked to do this project and coming up on a year since I started it and I’ve sadly not got that much done. But I love the project, it’s something different for me, so I really want to get this really going!)
    3.) Plan for more written posts on my blog. When things are going nice and steady I’m making a video a week (sometimes every 2 weeks) for my YouTube channel, which is going well, but my blog needs more traffic. I need to get more of you wonderful people visiting me right here at (soon to transition over to so, therefore, I need to be creating more interesting content that you can only find right here on this blog! And it really helps if you all share this blog with your friends and family! ;)
    4.) More blog posts about art and beauty topics. I felt the blog was starting to become predominantly about DIY and crafting and I’d like to have a more even mixture. Beauty and Art are the areas that I think are lacking and 2 topics that I really, really, REALLY love (Art obviously, I know) and are very creative!