Holiday Nail Art Tutorials - Coziness Inspired
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Well, the Holidays are upon us now, and as usual I am super excited! I like to surround myself with decorations and items that make me feel festive, so it's just suiting that I've got a couple of Holiday Nail Art Tutorials for you all to enjoy and re-create! These Nail Designs are inspired by the fun (and trendy) accessories that keep us warm and cozy on the cold days of Winter and over the Holidays - Plaid Scarves and Wooly Socks!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Thursday, November 26, 2015
I just wanted to leave a little note here on the blog for any of my blog followers who are wondering "Where is all the Christmas stuff, already?!". If you've liked The Creative Glow over on facebook you probably have already seen my posts about my computer issues, if not... I was having computer issues! He he! I was unable to edit videos because my computer was running so very horribly, therefore I decided to format it which had its own set of issues, but not it is up and running and I am just about ready to dive back into my Christmas stuff. Just a few things to sort out with my Adobe subscription and I should be going by tomorrow! Yay and phewff!!
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Brows have gone through many trends, from as far back as Cleopatra darkening her eyebrows with kohl, to the Ancient Greeks who wore false eyebrows and unibrows were desired, to the Byzantine woman who plucked them into thin straight lines and drew a thick line directly under the brow, and the Middle Ages when foreheads were the focus and eyebrows were often non-existent, on into the very thin brows worn by the silent film stars in the 1920s for that pensive look. These days, and since about the 1940s, women are sticking with a more natural looking brow, with the exception of a few years in between when thinner brows were “in”.
Yay or Nay
Thursday, October 29, 2015
It’s almost Halloween and I hope this tutorial can be a fun and quick option. I’ve taken the classic pumpkin and elevated to a PUNK-in (or Punky Pumpkin). In this post you’ll find the makeup tutorial for the Punky Pumpkin look as well as suggestions for the costume AND even downloadable photo instructions and pattern to make the pumpkin lid fascinator hat that I’m wearing in the video and photos. So this is actually a full costume look! YAY!
Saturday, October 17, 2015
A little while back I had a request to do Halloween DIYs this year rather than just costume tutorials, so here is the first of those – DIY 2-in-1 Halloween/Fall Wreath with fake barbed wire. Halloween is just around the corner, so I may only have time to get in one more DIY (and another costume), but hopefully next year I will have a few more than this year. Unfortunately I’ve had a few complications in getting videos done for my blog over the past couple of months, most of which involve too much noise from the downstairs tenants to get videos recorded. :( It is so, so frustrating, but I’m doing my best to work through it. Anyway, let’s get to the tutorial – yay!
Home Decor
Saturday, October 3, 2015
All the guessing over on facebook is now over! Here is my first costume tutorial for this Halloween season - Disgust from the Disney/Pixer animated film "Inside Out"! This one was so fun to do - it had me laughing quite a bit while creating the look, and everything worked out so well! The only thing I wish is that I could have found a better wig, but I made do pretty well with what I did find! Here's a side by side of me as myself and as Disgust - she's adorable!
Beauty Tutorial
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
When Fall comes around it's always a fashion dream and nightmare for me for one very big reason: BOOTS! I want ALL the boots! There are just too many beautiful boots and booties to choose from, and without millions of dollars lying around, my feet and my outfits and my heart can feel a little sad at times. Sometimes you can find really cute, inexpensive boots at places like Walmart, and I don't mind buying those from time to time... when I can find something I like in their limited selection. So in this post I have complied a selection of boots my heart is longing for this season, and I hope you will share my infatuation for, from places that provide a bit better quality than Walmart, but won't break the bank on just one pair. Let's take a look... but I take no responsibility if you spend your entire budget on boots this month and have to live on Mr. Noodles and KD. Good luck!
Thursday, September 24, 2015
photo cred: My Mom
Hey, everyone! So, if you’ve liked The Creative Glow over on facebook then you probably already read that I’m having an eye issue right now! If not, well, it appears as though I may have got myself a dreaded little stye! Booo! So that means that the Halloween costume makeup tutorial I had planned on recording yesterday, and having up this week, won’t be able to happen until this terrorizer in my eye clears up; you really shouldn’t put makeup, Halloween or otherwise, near your eye until it clears, so that’s where most of the problem lies. So, since I can’t get started on that stuff this week, I can at least prepare a couple of posts here on the blog for you all to enjoy, starting with showing this project my mom and I were working on while I was home in July – Kitchen Table Re-Finishing! Perhaps it’ll spark some creativity and motivation to re-finish something of your own! I’ll have some tips for you at the end of this post as well.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Alright, everyone! I’m back, again, with another tutorial for you all! If you’re like me, you may have nail polishes piled on top of each other in a couple of plastic bins. That made it hard when I was looking for a certain color, sometimes having to search through, or empty an entire bin to find it. This DIY Nail Polish Rack really helps get your nail polishes organized, and nicely displayed so you can quickly and easily choose a color. This project is great for people who don’t own/go near power tools. It’s very easy to make and, even though it’s made out of foam board, it is extremely sturdy!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Hi, Guys! I haven’t done an Art Series post in what seems like forever! It’s been way too long, that’s for sure, and that makes me a little sad. I always feel like I’m struggling to find time to do my art, and that’s not good because it really is one of the loves of my life!
In this Art Series post I’m sharing with you something a little different. When my friend, Carrie, began planning her wedding, she asked me if I would come up with something as an alternative guestbook for her, and, of course, I said of course! So if you go ahead and scroll/read through this post you’ll be able to see my process from beginning to end in getting their guestbook done.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Hey there! Today I’ve got a shiney new hair tutorial for you guys! I’m showing you guys how to do this great Headband Hair Roll! It’s so easy and really pretty quick to do. It takes me longer to show you all how to do it since I am explaining things and moving slowly so you can see just how things are done, but it really can take as little as 5 minutes to do. So, really great for when you wake up late or need to run out quickly, just whenever you only have a few minutes but want to look like you didn’t just wake up in a ditch! Alright, let's tale a look at what you'll need and the tutorial.
Beauty Tutorial
Friday, August 21, 2015
Hey, all! Today I just wanted to share this little project with you – DIY Camera Strap. I wasn't initially planning on making a tutorial on this one, but I took enough photos that I am able to and I DO want to share it with all you lovely peeps!
It started with a search for an awesome new and trendy camera strap as part of my mom’s birthday gift, which yielded only junk, straps that were outrageously priced, just plain ugly or boring options, or many combinations of the above, so I thought, WTH – I’ll just make one!! I mean, that is what I do – create! I searched for a while, on many separate trips to various stores and online, for the things I would need like a nice fabric with a nice pattern, some skinny strap material, some tension buckle thingys… but I wasn’t having much luck with any of those things. I was just going to buy a cheap, plain strap and dissect it to re-use the pieces, but I couldn’t even find one of those, in stores or online. BUT I knew I did have the original strap from my previous DSLR that, even though it was an original Canon strap, I wasn’t using and doubted I would use again in the future – I tend to find sentiment in things unnecessarily. So, as much as it pained me to wreck a perfectly good Canon strap, it was worth it to be able to make my mom something with my own hands – she always taught us that handmade gifts are way more special than anything that can be bought. So that’s what I did. Let’s take a closer look!
Monday, August 10, 2015
Hi, Guys! So, over the past few weeks, I’ve learned that I still haven’t gotten any better at mixing my visits home with working on my blog… actually, this visit was probably the worst I’ve done with it. I was there for 3 weeks – the first week was wedding stuff with my friend, the bride, and the rest of the wedding party, the second week my mom and I visited my grandfather for several days, and the third week I was just at home. I did push myself to get a little work done on the video tutorial I have for you today (YAY), but not a whole lot. The plan was to have it up for you all while I was there. Sorry, guys! I did help my mom with a pretty big project the last week I was home though, and I will be blogging about that project once my mom finishes with the final touches and sends me the photos. :) Now, let’s get to the tutorial!
Friday, June 26, 2015
And a cure was not to be
So he put his arms around you
And whispered, "Come With Me".
With tearful eyes we watched you
And saw you pass away
And although we love you dearly
We could not make you stay.
A Golden heart stopped beating
Hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the best.
~Frances and Kathleen Coelho
As I sit here trying to write this post for you all, I do find it very hard, but I consider you all my friends and am very grateful for the support of you all and feel I need to share with you what's been happening in my life the past few weeks, and why I was taking some time away. I hope you'll read the entire post. So, here it goes!
Many of you may not know this, some of you do, but in March if 2014 my grandmother, Evelyn, was diagnosed with lung cancer. Earlier this month, a couple weeks after her 75th birthday, as she was quickly beginning to feel the effects on her body, I felt an urgent need to get home to see her. She and I would send text messages back and forth from our ipads (yes, my grandmother with an ipad), and her responses were beginning to become less and less. It made me feel sad but I knew that it must mean she really isn't feeling well, and updates from my mom and family confirmed that. She was in a lot of pain, her stubborn side keeping her from taking her pain meds regularly, but was still healthy looking and taking her daily drives to the beach with my grandfather. I wanted to get home to spend a week or so with her while she was still having some good days, and help her if she needed it (if she accepted it). Then, she fell...
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know that it might be a couple of weeks before I get to do a new post for you. I'm taking some time with my family in a difficult time for us, and when I am back in a couple of week and I;m ready, I will fill you all in. Thank you all for your continued support, I know you understand and I'll see you all soon! You guys can still leave me comments and messages here and on facebook and I will still get them and read them.
Love you all!
Sam ♡
Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015
Hey, friends! Back with another Monthly Beauty Buys post this month! I’ve got some great beauty products in this one – a bronzer by Rimmel, a great self-adjusting blush by Stila, and an amazing lipstick by Maybelline. All 3 of the products I am featuring in this Beauty Buys post for April were used in my previous video: Spring Makeup – Subtle Turquoise & Bright Coral. Head on over and take a look at that if you haven’t seen it yet. Oh, and hey… I managed a Beauty Buys post that doesn’t have a nail polish in it. Wow! But that doesn’t mean I didn’t buy some. ;) Okay, let’s check out last month’s fav Beauty Buys.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Hey Everyone! So the giveaway is finally up and you can go enter now! All the details you need are in this video and you can go enter at the Contest/GiveAway page here on the blog!
I hope you guys know how much you mean to me! I'm having more and more fun interacting with you guys everyday - here and over on YouTube and Facebook and twitter and Instagram and... everywhere! I know every Blogger/YouTuber says this, but you guys really are so awesome! Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, you guys don't know it, but your comments and chit chat help lift my spirits! So to thank you guys, I went out and bought a few things to do this giveaway! It's not huge, but know that it's from my heart. ♡
Friday, May 1, 2015
Good day! Today’s post is definitely for the beauty lovers out there! I’ve got a great Spring/Summer makeup tutorial for you! This makeup look is great because you get just a hint of color on your eyes and a bright pop of color on your lips! When wearing standout colors on your lips it’s best to keep your eyes more subdued (unless you’re going for a very sultry, vixen evening look), so that’s why this slight hint of color works so great - it’s not a whole lot of bright on your eyes and a whole lot of bright on your lips competing for attention. It’s nice and fresh looking makeup, and perfect for a beautiful spring or summer day!
Beauty Tutorial
Friday, April 24, 2015

In the first part of the tutorial I’ll show you how to get these buckets to rust in only a couple of hours. If you’ve ever tried to rust galvanized buckets like these, you’ll know it’s nearly impossible unless you know a few tricks for rusting galvanized steel / metal. Of course these buckets are made to not rust, so most people who buy them won’t want them to rust… be we do! Mwahahaa! That’s an evil laugh… because traditionally people don’t want things to rust; it’s bad… and we’re going to make these buckets rusty… nevermind. :/ Okay let’s take a look at those rusty buckets so you can see how impressive it is, and then a photo of what the end result will be once they are painted and distressed.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Hey there! I hope you all had a great weekend! Wow things are really starting to look quite green outside! It’s crazy how fast it happens! The tree buds are just about to burst open – I give until sometime during this week and the trees will all be nice and green too! I didn’t have much to write about for last week’s My Week In Review so I decided to skip it to not bore you and do a double post this weekend; that’s why it’s My Week In Review x2.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Hey Everyone! I’ve got another installment of my Monthly Beauty Buys for you. This one is featuring the products I liked in March. I’ve got another nail polish color that I’m loving, an awesome hydrating face serum, and an eyeshadow palette that has 10 different colors. So, let’s take a look!
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015
Pardon my moment of negativity here, but sometimes people can be real turds on a stick!!! Don’t worry, this’ll turn around before the end of this post!
Everyone is exposed to these kinds of people on a regular basis so I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. As a blogger and YouTube creator you’re exposed to it quite a bit, and, unfortunately, the more fans you gain, the more these kind of people stop by to dump on whatever you’re doing. But, if you love what you’re doing, you learn to cope and take the good with the bad. It’s not always easy – sometimes you just want to say “oh, yeh? Where’s your wonderful video or blog post that is soooo much better than mine?” or “I’ve come a long way since that video/post and have gotten a lot better” or “Just shush, meanie!” but you really can’t. And you can’t allow these comments to get you down or stifle your progress, you just have to concentrate on the positive people, the ones that make you smile on a regular basis and take the time to say nice things or just say “hi”! Those are the ones that count and those are the ones that make it all worth it! Sometimes it's hard, but I've got some advice to help make it easier, so keep reading! :)
Monday, April 6, 2015
Thursday, April 2, 2015
This one is for all you beauties in those moments when you need to get out the door in 15 minutes or less - 5 minutes to get dressed and 10 minutes (or less) on makeup! I will admit that this rarely happens for me and people who know how long I take will tell ya, too. It even frustrates me, but I just prefer to take the time to get ready - I feel much better and more confident and that just makes for a better experience and mood no matter what I'm doing. But, there are those occasions when I really have to run out, or someone is gonna pop by for a sec, and I'd at least like to be presentable and NOT look like I don't give a damn. So this is what I use really quickly in those occasions and most of these I consider my absolute essentials:
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015
Happy Saturday, Everyone! Back with another review of my week for you all. It's raining today and you know what that means? It means IT'S NOT SNOWING and that means things are starting to warm up outside. Yesterday got up to 21 degrees celcius here and I even noticed some green sprigs of grass sprouting up on our lawn! That means it’s time to get out and rake up all those old leaves and maybe even start thinking about what kind of flowers I want to plant. Also, I can’t wait to get out on my bike (new last summer) – it’s a coral colored cruiser with a basket on the front. I love it! And also start some spring time tutorials for you all! :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Hi, friends! WOW it’s been a rough last few days! I’ve been so sick… it’s real bad! I swear, if any of you seen me now, you’d probably scream! But I’ll be back to good as new soon…hopefully! I managed to get this video tutorial ready for you, though! I’m showing you how to make some of these earrings yourself! It’s quite easy and takes about 30 minutes of work in total, plus there is drying and baking time… but who counts that? You can go and do whatever else you want while they’re drying or baking! And don’t forget, you can make these whatever shape or color you’d like!
Monday, March 23, 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Hi, Beauties! I’m back again with another Monthly Beauty Buys installment! Just so you guys know, my Beauty Buys will always look like they’re a month behind but really aren’t because I wait until the end of the month, then pick 3 things I purchased and I liked the most, so when I post about them it’s already the next month. That may be obvious, but I just thought it worth mentioning. :) So, for February, I’ve got an eye shadow stick by Flower Beauty, another nail polish, again, by Flower Beauty, and a face moisturizer by Korres to talk about. Let’s take a look!
As I mentioned last month, I am really loving this new beauty line called Flower Beauty! It’s by Drew Barrymore and she’s involved in every part of it from its formulas to even quick video tutorials. I also mentioned that I may do a post dedicated to this line in the future since I’m loving it so much, and love her passion for providing women with quality products that are affordable. Just take a look at the color of this Eye Shadow Chubby stick. The texture is so smooth and velvety and this color, Dark Side Of The Blue, is quite pretty on days I want to add a nice pop of color. It’s really easy to apply directly from the stick to my eyes and then use my finger to blend it out. If I notice any creasing, I just use a very light sweep of some translucent powder and if I want the color to remain vibrant all day, I set it with a slight sweeping of an eye shadow in a similar color; together they work harder to keep eye shadow looking amazing all day long! Awesome!
As I mentioned last month, I am really loving this new beauty line called Flower Beauty! It’s by Drew Barrymore and she’s involved in every part of it from its formulas to even quick video tutorials. I also mentioned that I may do a post dedicated to this line in the future since I’m loving it so much, and love her passion for providing women with quality products that are affordable. Just take a look at the color of this Eye Shadow Chubby stick. The texture is so smooth and velvety and this color, Dark Side Of The Blue, is quite pretty on days I want to add a nice pop of color. It’s really easy to apply directly from the stick to my eyes and then use my finger to blend it out. If I notice any creasing, I just use a very light sweep of some translucent powder and if I want the color to remain vibrant all day, I set it with a slight sweeping of an eye shadow in a similar color; together they work harder to keep eye shadow looking amazing all day long! Awesome!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Hellooo, Friends! Today I bring you another DIY video tutorial – this really cute Asymmetrical Headband! This one is a little longer video than I’ve recently been trying to keep my videos down to, but it just needs a bit more explanation for certain steps, it does not mean that this is hard. It really isn’t. And it only takes about an hour to make this headband.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy LOVE Day! I've got 2 last minute nail art tutorials for you to fit in with the occasion. The first one you'll see is a bright nail that is an alternative for people who want something different than the usual pinks or reds and the like you usually see for the occasion. I've named it "Kisses in the Rain". The second one is for those of you who want to do something but prefer something more classic and subtle - something softer and less in yo face. I've named that one "Subtle Lovin'".Scroll down for step by step photos and instructions! :D
Beauty Tutorial
Valentine's Day
Friday, February 13, 2015
Hey, Everyone! Just a quick little post to go with this video tutorial! I've been trying to come up with one for a while and ended up thinking of a few at the last minute. I've chosen this one, "Love Letters", to do as a video.
Beauty Tutorial
Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Hi, all! Here I am with my Monthly Beauty Buys from January. I’ve got one of my favourite nail polish colors, some great new cream blushes that I’m loving, and one of the most popular shades of lipstick for the season - I love it! Let’s dive right in! ;)
This color is to die for! It, again, is by Revlon and it’s their Super Lustrous Lipstick line is Black Cherry. This color is a pretty trendy one right now and it tends to look good on pretty much everyone and, as a bonus, makes your teeth look quite white. Yes, it is a very dark color and might be a little shocking when you first put it on but it really does look so pretty. This lipstick keeps your lips quite moist and does have long wearability so that’s also quite nice.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Hey there!
I've got another Art Series Post for you all today! It's just a quick little sketch I did in graphite of a close-up of an eye but I love sharing my art with you all.
You may have seen this on facebook if you've liked The Creative Glow over there, but I'd asked if anyone was interested in seeing the time-lapse, so I'm sharing that here today! I haven't got a whole bunch to say about it, just that it was just a quick sketch brought on by my fascination with the beauty and randomness of the human eye.
Alright, that's my sketch, guys! Nothing to involved or too crazy, but kinda neat! If you're having trouble viewing from the embedded video, here is the link that will take you directly there:, I hope you've enjoyed Art Series Post #10. More to come, of course! :)
Stay Creative,
Sam ♡
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I've got another Art Series Post for you all today! It's just a quick little sketch I did in graphite of a close-up of an eye but I love sharing my art with you all.
You may have seen this on facebook if you've liked The Creative Glow over there, but I'd asked if anyone was interested in seeing the time-lapse, so I'm sharing that here today! I haven't got a whole bunch to say about it, just that it was just a quick sketch brought on by my fascination with the beauty and randomness of the human eye.
Alright, that's my sketch, guys! Nothing to involved or too crazy, but kinda neat! If you're having trouble viewing from the embedded video, here is the link that will take you directly there:, I hope you've enjoyed Art Series Post #10. More to come, of course! :)
Stay Creative,
Sam ♡
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Thursday, January 15, 2015
Yo! :)
First, I am going to introduce you to the color wheel. I know some, maybe even many, of you have already seen or worked with a color wheel. A color wheel is a color wheel no matter if you’re talking about painting a canvas or painting your face (aka putting on makeup) and the same goes for color theory; it is basically the same no matter the application. The color wheel is used to explain the theory of colors and their relationships to one another. Here is a color wheel (click to enlarge):
So, today I’ve got a nice post for ya! I’m going to be talking about the basics of color theory and how it relates to choosing the best eye shadow colors for your eye color to make them really pop and stand out. I will cover a bit about eye liners as well (look for this toward the end of the post), but, primarily, this will be about eye shadow.
Now, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you can only wear the colors of eye shadows I suggest here, or that other colors won’t look nice on you, this is just a guide, a very basic one, to what colors should, according to color theory, make your eyes pop the most. So, if you have some favorites, don’t dismiss them just because they don’t fit in this guide. The most important thing is that you feel good in them! ;) Alright, now let’s get started!
Now, keep in mind that this doesn’t mean you can only wear the colors of eye shadows I suggest here, or that other colors won’t look nice on you, this is just a guide, a very basic one, to what colors should, according to color theory, make your eyes pop the most. So, if you have some favorites, don’t dismiss them just because they don’t fit in this guide. The most important thing is that you feel good in them! ;) Alright, now let’s get started!

I’m sure you’ve all heard of primary (red, blue, yellow) and secondary colors (orange, green, purple) from as far back as elementary school…some of us may have thrown out that knowledge in favor of other important information to store in our memories, but I’m sure you’ve all hear of them at some point. ;) We won’t be worrying about those in this guide, but I’m just mentioning those because that would have been the beginning of your color theory education. What we will be focusing on are complementary colors, which are the colors that appear opposite one another on the color wheel – these colors, as the name suggests, complement each one another when placed adjacently. Some of you may even have an understanding of these already. If so, great, you already know what eye shadows will complement your eyes best, you just may not…know.. it! You know it, but you don’t know you know it…got it? If not, don’t worry, just take a look at your trusty color wheel and you’ll find them. So, red compliments green, yellow compliments purple, orange compliments blue, and so on. And this is how you’ll choose eye shadows that will make your eyes pop the most!
Beauty Tutorial
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Well, I am back with my first post of the New Year. I had a great Christmas and New Year and it was nice to take some time off to enjoy them. I’ve been busy working out some new ideas for the blog as well as some new video ideas and you might start to notice some changes in the appearance of the blog soon – I’m working on a new and improved look!
Besides a new look for the blog and brainstorming post ideas, I’ve also got some new projects on the horizon for this year. A couple of websites (one blog site and one business site), still working on stuff for the comic book project (more on this in this post), a “guest book” style painting for my friend’s wedding (I’m a bridesmaid :D), and then a bunch of art (painting and drawing) projects of my own (when I can find time)! Lots to do!
So, I guess now I want to talk to you about New Year’s Resolutions for 2015. And I encourage any one of you to weigh in and comment with your resolutions. I love to hear about what peoples’ hopes for the New Year are and how they feel they can and want to better themselves! I know, I know! A lot of us abandon our resolutions before January even comes to and end but that doesn’t mean that we can’t pick them back up throughout the year. Try, try again, right? :) Here’s my list of resolutions:
My New Year Resolutions
1.) Make more time for Art (this is on my list many years, sadly)
2.) Make more time to work on comic book project (it’s been a year since I was asked to do this project and coming up on a year since I started it and I’ve sadly not got that much done. But I love the project, it’s something different for me, so I really want to get this really going!)
3.) Plan for more written posts on my blog. When things are going nice and steady I’m making a video a week (sometimes every 2 weeks) for my YouTube channel, which is going well, but my blog needs more traffic. I need to get more of you wonderful people visiting me right here at (soon to transition over to so, therefore, I need to be creating more interesting content that you can only find right here on this blog! And it really helps if you all share this blog with your friends and family! ;)
4.) More blog posts about art and beauty topics. I felt the blog was starting to become predominantly about DIY and crafting and I’d like to have a more even mixture. Beauty and Art are the areas that I think are lacking and 2 topics that I really, really, REALLY love (Art obviously, I know) and are very creative!
1.) Make more time for Art (this is on my list many years, sadly)
2.) Make more time to work on comic book project (it’s been a year since I was asked to do this project and coming up on a year since I started it and I’ve sadly not got that much done. But I love the project, it’s something different for me, so I really want to get this really going!)
3.) Plan for more written posts on my blog. When things are going nice and steady I’m making a video a week (sometimes every 2 weeks) for my YouTube channel, which is going well, but my blog needs more traffic. I need to get more of you wonderful people visiting me right here at (soon to transition over to so, therefore, I need to be creating more interesting content that you can only find right here on this blog! And it really helps if you all share this blog with your friends and family! ;)
4.) More blog posts about art and beauty topics. I felt the blog was starting to become predominantly about DIY and crafting and I’d like to have a more even mixture. Beauty and Art are the areas that I think are lacking and 2 topics that I really, really, REALLY love (Art obviously, I know) and are very creative!
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